About Us

Viar.live is a platform that turns every photographer into a virtual reality content creator and makes it easy to use virtual reality spaces and tours in websites, blogs, and mobile apps.

It grew out of a project in a real estate marketing agency. When researching the virtual reality tour creation technologies, we noticed that it requires purchasing of a several thousand dollar cameras. We also noticed that it was extremely difficult to implement virtual reality content on the web and make it available on mobile. We knew that there must be a better alternative. So we decided to find a better way to create virtual reality tours and allow every photographer to create VR content without shelling out several thousand dollars. At the same time, we wanted to allow businesses, such as hotels, real estate agencies, museums, etc. to tap into the amazing possibilities to present their spaces in virtual reality. We wanted to make it easy for the web and mobile developers to add VR to their websites and apps. Viar.live, therefore, serves two purposes. It eliminates the friction of creating VR content, automating many manual steps along the way and makes implementation of VR content in blogs, websites, and mobile apps truly seamless.